Jacek Piechota
President of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
President of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce - a leading organization of Polish-Ukrainian business
Founder and president of the "Europe-North-East" Association, since 2009 the organizer of the Baltic Business Forum - an annual international economic forum in Świnoujście, devoted to economic cooperation in the ABC region - Adriatic, Baltic, Black Sea
Founder and chairman of the Council of the Patients with Muscular Atrophy Foundation, which takes care of over a thousand patients suffering from multiple sclerosis;
conducts consulting activity under the name: Jacek Piechota Solution Partners.
From 2001 to 2005, he headed and co-headed the Ministry of Economy in the Polish government. In the government of Leszek Miller, he was the minister of economy, in the government of Marek Belka, he was the minister of economy and labour.
Member of the Sejm in the years 1985 - 2007. He managed, among others, committees: Entrepreneurship Development and Small and Medium Enterprises.