Elisabetta Falcetti
Regional Director, Head of Poland and the Baltic States, EBRD
Elisabetta Falcetti is the EBRD Regional Director, Head of Poland and the Baltic States. In this capacity, she also heads the EBRD’s resident office in Warsaw, Poland.
Before joining the EBRD’s Team in Warsaw in September 2021, Elisabetta was the Director for Sector Economics and Policy in the Economics, Policy and Governance Department of VP Policy and Partnership at the EBRD.
She led the team of Sector Economists who assess the impact of EBRD investments and support policy reform dialogue activities that advance the transition to sustainable markets in the EBRD countries of operations. She was also a member of the EBRD Investment Committee.
Her research interests include international monetary economics and debt management issues; development and transition economics; and, more recently, infrastructure and growth. She holds two Ph.D.s in Economics, from L. Bocconi University (Milan) and the London School of Economics.