Anna Timofiejczuk
Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Silesian University of Technology
Anna Timofiejczuk, Silesian University of Technology - dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, president of the board of the Silesian Competence Center of Industry 4.0. A graduate of the Silesian University of Technology in the field of Automatic Control and Robotics, specialization in the construction and machinery maintenance. The main scientific interests are: technical diagnostics, signal and image analysis and the application of artificial intelligence in machine diagnostics and issues related to Industry 4.0 technologies. The author of publications in the field of diagnostic context-based inference and methods of non-stationary signals analysis based on time-frequency methods. Together with a team, she developed the concept and created the first Polish competence center of Industry 4.0 and also infrastructure, allowing demonstration of Industry 4.0 technologies and their integration. The main task of the Silesian Competence Center of Industry 4.0 is to support Polish companies in the implementation of new technologies through simulations, analysis of their profitability, indicating possible solutions and training. She is also the author of the Industrial Leadership 4.0 training program, which was implemented by the Silesian University of Technology together with the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. As the president of the Silesian Competence Center of Industry 4.0, she carried out, together with the team, one of the first Polish projects for the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. The purpose of these projects was to create standards for the operation of Polish competence centers and to develop training programs.
As the dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2015, she developed the program and created one of the first dual studies - the course on Mechanical Engineering. These studies are conducted with particular emphasis on the preparation of human resources for Industry 4.0. She initiated the cyclic EDUAL conference, which has been organized since 2016 at the Silesian University of Technology. The conference gathers universities, industry and also representatives of government and is the place for sharing experience and good practise in preparing professionals according to industry needs and new demands.
She is the co-author of the Polish-German Center for Hybrid Lightweight Structures, which was established in 2018. The center's activity is focused on the transfer of scientific achievements to industry and supporting Polish companies in the implementation of new material technologies, as well as staff training.
She is also the originator of the Center for Climate and Environmental Protection and currently is a member of the team creating this center that was established during the Climate Summit, which took place in Poland in 2018. The Center was covered by patronage of the Bertrand Piccard Foundation. The center was created by the Silesian University of Technology, the City of Gliwice, and the Silesian Metropole.